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Visual Art + Mentorship Infused With Social Justice

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To create meaningful artwork.

To give fellow BIPOC creatives more opportunities.

To mentor the next generation of artists.

To foster a strong community through events and workshops.


“He was welcoming and kind from the beginning; as an artist, Gabriel took me seriously regardless of my experience or my age, something I had never experienced before.”


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Gabriel Barrera is a Visual Artist living in Southern Oregon. He works in various mediums from traditional art methods to multimedia and graphics. The identity of his art work is rooted in social justice, advocacy, and mentorship. Being influenced by his mother, a school teacher, and his father, an artist/tool designer, he has found his strength in merging his influences to produce his practice of Artivism. He has been practicing as an artist ever since his parents provided him with sketch pads and pencils when he was a child. Gabriel received a BFA from Pratt Institute in NYC. He has also been greatly influenced by his experience as a scenic artist with 20 years in the theater industry working for theaters such as South Coast Repertory, Oregon Shakespeare Festival and numerous colleges in California, Oregon and others. His experience and advocacy for social justice developed while working in theater. His ideology is heavily influenced by BIPOC women in the field. While developing as an artist, he also developed as a mentor for BIPOC youth. Gabriel is considered an influencer and mentor among his community. He currently operates ScenicG out of his art studio on the stolen lands of the Latgawa, Takelma, Shasta, and Modoc peoples in Talent, OR a visual art and design company providing services in art/design, workshops, consultation, facilitation and mentorship. Gabriel is always available to mentor BIPOC youth and advocates for the leadership, hiring and promotion of BIPOC artists in all fields of creativity. His vision is to provide space centered with social justice values to provide a creative outlet for himself, colleagues, collaborators, mentors and mentees. Together we can advocate for the empowerment of BIPOC creatives!


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